Consider Him

Well, today is the first day of December.  It is so hard to believe that this year is nearly over.  The time has escaped by quickly to say the least.

As we enter the Christmas season I would like to begin to try to get our focus in the correct place.  We all think of the family gatherings, Christmas parties, presents and many other things.  I wonder how many of us truly give any consideration at all to Jesus.

I remember many years ago hearing Missionary Steve Jerrett preach a message at the Church we were attending at the time.  His entire message was “Consider Him”.  Over the next few days I want to “Consider Him” in many things.  Look at Hebrews 12:3, “For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.”

As you go through life do you give any consideration to Jesus at all?  I hope you do.

So, how are you doing?