
I was thinking about licenses the other evening.  We have seen some serious Church bus crashes in the recent past and I usually wonder if the driver had the proper license to operate the bus and a multitude of other things that I think about.  Sometimes my background haunts me.

As I was talking with a friend on the phone last night we were talking about his wife.  He said the other day a fly got into the torch lamp and burned up.  It caused a horrible smell of burning.  His sweet wife was concerned for their welfare.  She insisted they sleep on the sofa because there is access out of the house by three different doors.  She placed her cell phone, keys and their marriage license on the table close to them in case of an emergency exit.

My friend was looking at their marriage license and noticed that the city and county were the same indicating there is an error in the city.  He told his wife that their license was void and he was a free man because their license was invalid due to this error.  We had a good laugh.  He also told me that he not only did he have a marriage license; but, he also possesses a “Pestering Permit”.  We had a good laugh over this.

Here is the thing.  God created man and woman to live together and perpetuate humanity.  Look at Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”  Now, God did not intend for man and woman to just co-exist.  I believe that God intended the marriage relationship to mirror the relationship of Jesus and His Church.  So, I also believe that our relationship with our spouse should be one that is modeled after Christ and the Church.  There should be joy, gladness, happiness and many other emotions.  Yes, there will be trials, temptations and troubles.  These make us stronger and should drive us closer to one another.  If this does not describe your marriage relationship you are sadly missing out.

So, how are you doing?