A Serious Question To Answer

Today is a day capitalized by people that do not want to take ownership for their own actions.  We have all heard the excuses, “The devil made me do it.” or “My parents spanked me  and that made me this way.”  I am sorry to say; but, these excuses will not fly in God’s economy.

We will all stand before God one day and we will give an account for everything we have done and for the things left undone that we should have done.

There is one very important thing that is not being done today by God’s people that needs to be done.  We are not reaching the people around us known as the world like we should.  I have heard all the excuses.  I am tired of hearing excuses spue forth from my mouth.  It is time for God’s people to wake up, get up, go out and share the gospel with people.  We are watching people go out into eternity each and every day; but, what are we doing about it.  Don’t be like Cain when the LORD questioned him about the death of his brother.  Look at Genesis 4:9, “And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?”

The rhetorical answer to Cain’s question is a resounding “Yes!”.  We are our brother’s keeper.  We are responsible for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.  If we fail to share this with them we will stand before God one day and be ashamed and we will lose rewards for not doing what God has called every one of His children to do.  It is pretty simple if we will just push past our fear and go.

So, how are you doing?