
A farmer went to his pastor for counsel.  He looked worn out and was obviously not doing well.  He complained that there was not enough room in his home with  nine people living there.  The pastor thought about it for a minute and told the farmer to get a goat and bring it in the house and come back next week and report to him.

The next week the farmer comes in for counseling and looks even worse.  He said that goat did not work.  As a matter of fact things are even worse with it living with us.  It stinks and does it’s business all over the house.

The pastor thought for a minute and told the farmer to get rid of the goat and report back next week.  The next week the farmer arrived looking refreshed and thanked the pastor for helping him.  It seems when the goat left the house became a place of peace and rest.  There were still all nine people living there.

Sometimes in life it is all about perspective.  It does not always appear what it really is.  I think of Saul when Samuel went to find him.  God gave Samuel excellent counsel.  Look at I Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. ”

The next time you seem to be burdened down with the trials of life try to look at them from God’s perspective.  It is not easy.  When we see things as He sees them it will revolutionize us.

So, how are you doing?


Yesterday I posted in part an article from Beverly Leckie as shared by my cousin Dale A. Byers.  This a powerful article that you can find at Pastor Dale A. Byers blog site here.  

We pick up with mom on her way to pick up her daughter.  ‘As she approaches the school, her apprehension that her child is being taunted by the approaching storm is quieted.  The young girl momentarily pauses every few steps to look up at the sky and smile.  With apprehension turned to inquisitiveness, as her daughter settles into the car, her mom asks, “Why were you stopping and smiling and looking up at the sky?”  “Oh, Mommy,” came the quick reply.  “I kept smiling cause God kept wanting to take my picture!”  The story brings on our own smiles, but why would the child smile?  There is only one explanation.  She was so confident in God’s love for her that a natural expression of that love was picture taking!’

When we experience trials we want people to know that we are so spiritual that we can suffer through them.  I mean we have “that look” on our face as to call attention to ourselves.  Our response should be to put a smile on our face just like this girl in the illustration did.  As parents of God’s special children this is sometimes difficult.  It is far more than just pulling yourself up by your boot straps and putting on a fake smile.  This goes to the heart!  The girl’s smile reflected what was going on in her heart.  As you look up at the Saviour and as you look around to those around you put a real smile on your face and remember Jesus Christ is still on the throne and has everything under His omnipotent control.  Remember Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  It is still in the Word of God and it is still true.

So, how are you doing?