
The month of February has long past.  The flowers have died and been thrown out.  In other words Valentine’s Day is long gone for this year.

I was reading an article on social media that really reached out and grabbed me.  It was about a man who wanted to divorce his wife.  You can read the article here.  In the article the wife gives the husband a list of demands prior to the divorce.  I was really shocked that he gave in to the demands.  I will let you read the article for yourself.  If I write much more about it I will be in tears all over again.  Oh, get a facial tissue ready as you will need it.

As I was thinking about this article on love something came to my mind.  That truth is that love is a choice.  I tell men all of the time, “If you love your wife you will take the trash out.”  This is true.  Love is a choice.  Yes, I know I repeated myself.  It was on purpose.

Here is the command to obey.  Look at Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”  Now, if Jesus commands us to do this then it is possible for us to do.  I did not say that it is easy.  I said it is possible.

So, how did Christ love the Church?  I am thinking of one word.  That word is sacrificially.  Jesus “gave Himself for it”.  That is truly sacrificial love.  This is easy to say and write; but, doing it is another story.

Maybe you think you have “lost that lovin’ feelin'”.  Well, here you go.  It is a command.  Love your wife!  This is not my word.  It is God’s Word.

So, how are you doing?

A Command Rejected

Today is a day that will probably not stand out in history to many at all.  Twenty-on years ago today my wife Tara and I were married.  Happy anniversary Tara!

As we continue with out thought on the commands of God to Jeremiah let’s look at the last thought I had in the verse.  Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”  Notice the reaction of God’s people.  “… But they said, We will not walk therein.”

God’s commands are just that.  Commands.  They are not divine suggestions at all.  If you do not obey them you will suffer the consequences.  Here is the thing.  If we will follow God’s commands we will be happier because we obeyed them and because we will prosper spiritually.  It is just better all the way around to obey God’s commands.

As I was thinking about being married for twenty-one glorious years I thought about some of the times our marriage was not smooth sailing.  We have had many rough spots.  The toughest is raising one of God’s special people.  This has not been easy, I promise you.  Yet, we can both say that we would not change it.

When we were married all those years ago we took the commands of God seriously.  Marriage is one man and one woman until death do us part.  Now, this could be murder or suicide.  This is not what God intended!  God instituted marriage to fulfill us.  If we are going to have the marriage that God intends for us then we are going to have to take His commands seriously to heart and obey them.

So, how are you doing?

I Am That Man

Yesterday evening I was channel surfing and ran across the movie “The Guardian”.  It stars Kevin Costner.  One scene in the movie sticks with me now.  Kevin Costner’s character is talking and telling about an incident he was involved in previously.  He shared how a man and wife were out in rough seas together.  They were struggling badly.  The problem was that the husband’s natural instincts had kicked in and he was drowning his own wife trying to stay afloat himself.

I was struck by this analogy.  I know it is only a movie; but, it happens in real life.  I know from my experience in the emergency medical services.  I am even guilty of it playing in the pool as a kid.

Here is a thought.  What do you do if you are the one that is being drowned?  You see, in this movie this character goes to his estranged wife and hands her divorce papers that he has finally signed and tells her that he is that husband.  Wow!

If you find yourself in the position where someone is trying to drown you then you need to get away from them.  If it is a friend you need to heed II Corinthians 6:17, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,”

Now, here is where it gets sticky so to speak.  What if that person trying to drown you is your spouse?  Well, the only way that you can get away from them is to do so with the goal of reconciliation in the end.  Yes, I am serious.  You see, God hates divorce.  He has the power to change the human heart.  We have to fulfill our part and let God work and do His part.  It is possible.  This is not easy to hear because too many people today see marriage as throw away.  It is not.

So, how are you doing?