The Unknown Father 3

The other evening I was watching the news (I know better) and it seemed like one news story after the other about parents who abused their child or children.  It was horrible.  I know the Bible tells us that in the last days that father’s and mother’s hearts will turn away from their children.  It was so sad.

Today I would like to look at the Unknown Father’s love.  Look at Mark 9:18, “And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not.”  As I was reading this verse I could almost hear the love and emotion of The Unknown Father.

If you love someone you will serve them.  We know that from the words of Scripture.  Even more should parents love their children and serve them as Christ served others.  This loving father had watched many times as a demon caused his son to suffer with seizures.  I know from experience this is horrible.  Yet, this father loved his son so much that he stayed with him and loved him.

In our world today parents do not love their children often times like we should.  If we did the abortion rate would not skyrocket like it has.  Millions upon millions of innocent lives have been murdered at the hands of unloving parents and abortion doctors.  God forgive us please!

If you struggle with having a Christ-like love for your children then I would recommend you spend much time in prayer asking God to fill you with His love for those children.  He will if you ask.

So, how are you dong?