
I recently caught the last minute or so of an episode of “Andy Griffith Show”.  Andy was standing in a room dressed in a suit and holding a cigar talking with other men smoking and talking about their large boats and saltwater fishing.  I was thinking about should I stop watching because of the smoking or not.  At this moment Opie comes in and tells Andy that he is having the best day of his life because of taking Andy’s advice to be himself.    Andy then walks over and extinguishes his cigar and walks back to the group and they begin to talk about his rowboat and doing some bass fishing.

The point today is that we need to be ourselves.  We need to quit putting on a false facade and just be ourselves.  Too many want to pretend that we are not what we really are.  This is called hypocrisy.  In theater there was a character called the hypocrite.  It could be a man’s roll played by a woman or a woman’s role played by a man or the like.

The problem is that there are too many hypocrites in the world.  You do not know where you stand with them.  One minute they could be your best friend and your chief enemy the next.  There is on thing for sure.  Jesus Christ is no hypocrite!  You can count on Him.  Look at the words of Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

So, how are you doing?