The LORD Is With Thee

Judges 6:12, “And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.”

I don’t know any of us who have not been afraid at one time or another.  Stepping out into the unknown can be a fearful thing.  There are many different situations in life that can be frightening if we look at them the wrong way.

I remember being afraid of the dark as I was growing up.  Even when I was first married I was still a little bit afraid of the dark.  I began to finally realize that it was silly to be afraid of the dark.  Then one day I came to the realization that God is with me and I did not have to be afraid.

I hope that you receive great comfort in our passage of Scripture today.  Especially the phrase, “The LORD is with thee”.  No matter what you are experiencing as God’s child you can say, “The LORD is with thee” (me).  As you walk through the valley of loosing a spouse or loved one to death you can rest in the truth that “The LORD is with thee”.  We should find great strength in this truth.  I know that I do.  I am thankful for the presence of God in my life.  Do you know God’s presence in your life?  I hope so.

So, how are you doing?

Today’s reading:  Judges 6, 7, 8; Psalm 15, 45, 75, 105, 135; Proverbs 15

Today’s prayer:  “Lord Jesus Christ, I need You today.  I need You to be near me and let me know that You are there with me.  I pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.”