Our Source Of Strength

The other day I planted some flowers for the first time in many years.  I had to dig up the dirt where I wanted to put them.  It was well over eighty degrees outside while I was doing this.  When I finished I was so weak that I could hardly even clean up after myself and go inside the house.  My dear wife helped me greatly get finished up by doing some things I asked her to do.  Thank You!  I love you!

It was obvious that I was going at this in my own strength.  The sad part was that my strength was not sufficient for the task at hand.  Someone much stronger could have done my little project in much less time and with better results.  Such is life.

In the spiritual battles of life we need to not go out and fight in our own strength.  If we do we will surely fail.  It is when we go in God’s strength that victories are won.  Look at what the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”  There is the most important key to spiritual battles.  This is where you start and all the others should fall right in line.

So, how are you doing?