Psalm 1 Wisdom – 5

There are a lot of people in life that are just living moment to moment.  This is sad.  They have no purpose in life.  They just exist.  This does not have to be such.  When Jesus comes into a person’s heart things change for sure.  Their purpose is found and things change.  The sad reality is that there are those who live just the opposite.

A Wasted Life – vs. 5, “Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.”

There are people in this life the do good things trying to earn favor.  Some are trying to earn Heaven.  This is sad.  Everything has been taken care of for people to go to Heaven.  All a person has to do is to trust Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Heaven is their eternal home.

I think of the parable of the lost son or as some call it the parable of the prodigal son.  We are told that he wasted everything on “riotous living” which means wasteful living.  It is sad to see people that come down to the end of their lives and it has been wasted.  They have nothing to show for their lives.

The Christian on the other hand should be just the opposite.  We should slide into home plate with a dirty, tattered uniform shouting, “What a ride!”.  Someone once said, “Only one life twill soon be past.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.”  I don’t know who said that; but, they are painfully right.  Don’t waste your life.  Live for the glory of God!

So, how are you doing?