Within The Covers


Comedian Mark Lowery in one of his routines remarks that he was doing accountability work with his Pastor.  Because this usually meant a phone call earlier in the morning than Mark liked he decided to rename his bed “The Word”.  This way when his Pastor called and caught him still in bed he could honestly (or not so honestly) say, “I am in The Word.”

This really made me angry.  Not only is it deceptive; but, it is just plain sin.  Yes, I said that it is sin.  The Word of God is so precious and so important I don’t understand how someone that is supposed to be a Christian can do such a thing.  I guess it brings in money at concerts.

Within the covers of the Word of God is infinite wisdom, comfort, rebuke, and even the ultimate love and so much more.  It is a gold mine and it is up to you and I to get busy and mine out all the treasures that are held for us.  Will you take time today to do just that?  I sure hope that you will.  It will change your life for all eternity.

So, how are you doing?


The above picture was taken from the Independentbaptist.com e-mail newsletter.