Time Again

I was browsing through social media and found an article where the mission I preach at each month fell victim to auto theft.  Actually, their 66 passenger, purple bus was stolen.  Wow!  Thankfully, it was returned and repaired within 24 hours.  Praise the LORD!  You can read the story here at this Link.

Another story in the newsletter contained a quote from a resident’s friend.  The quote said, “Don’t serve the time, make the time serve you.”  This was in response to a prison sentence.  There is more wisdom in this simple statement than one can truly absorb in a while.

Too many of us are slaves to time.  You can take time management classes.  You can buy the latest guru’s latest book and then they will sell you “their” time management system to keep you on track.  We are ruled by time.  One of the problems with this is that it is wrong according to the Word of God.  Look at Ephesians 5:16, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”  The word “redeeming” means to buy up, ransom or to rescue from loss, according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordence.

Time is so important; but, we are not to be a slave to it.  We are to make time count for eternity.  If it does not count for eternity then it is a waste of time.  What are you and I don’t to redeem our time for the glory of God?

So, how are you doing?


The other evening I had the pleasure of going to the airport and picking up friends that flew home.  I received an e-mail from them with a website address in it and the airline and flight number.  You can go to the website and watch their flight from take off to landing.  I don’t know if I like this technology or not.  It is nice if you are the one waiting to pick someone up though.

Time is such a precious commodity.  The sad truth is that we waste so much time on things that have no eternal value whatsoever.  Sometimes I feel like I waste a lot of time.  Then I have a moment where it sees that my Father shows me that it was not time wasted.  Being a lazy man I am bent toward wasting time and I hate it.  I have another friend that makes such efficient use of his time that it makes me exhausted just hearing his daily accomplishments.  I guess that is why I am a blogger and he is running a worldwide ministry for Jesus.

Look at what the Bible says about our time in Ephesians 5:16, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”  The word “Redeeming” means to buy up, i.e. ransom; figuratively, to rescue from loss (improve opportunity).  This will either impress you or depress you as you give consideration to your own personal use of time. I hope it will impress us all to make better use of our time and not depress anyone into deeper wasting of God’s time.  That is right it is all God’s time.  What are we doing with His time?

So, how are you doing?

The Weapon Of Prayer 2

Yesterday I received a daily devotional from Dr. Adrian Rogers and Love Worth Finding Ministries.  Dr. Rogers also hit on prayer and I want to share some of his thoughts with you.

He said, “It was a very long, tiring day. I had preached three sermons and dictated a stack of letters. And at the close of each letter I ended it, “In Jesus’ name, Adrian Rogers.” 

A man came to me at the end of a service and said, “I must see you. I have a severe problem.” I was bone weary but I said, “Very well, come on back and let’s talk.” 

We talked and I listened. My heart was moved with compassion. I said, “Let me pray for you.” And when I finished I said, “In Jesus’ name, Adrian Rogers.” And then I thought, “Oh my! Did I say that? Did he hear me say that?” How easy we slip and rattle off our prayers.”

Dear Reader, is this a description of your prayer life?  I hope it is not.  Even more so, I hope and pray this is not a description of my prayer life.  Prayer is so important.  It is a time we can fellowship and spend valuable time with our Heavenly Father.  It is never time wasted.  I know that my family and I desperately need your prayers.

So, how are you doing?