
We all face difficulties in life.  How we respond can make all the difference in the world.  We have all heard the old adage, “Trials will make you better or bitter.”  This worn out cliche’ is true; but, worn out.

I know in my life it has been difficult to say the least, not to get bitter some times.  It accomplishes nothing to hold a grudge and be bitter.  It only hold you in bondage and makes you miserable.

Most of us want to respond like Naomi responded when she was attempting to send Ruth away.  Look at Ruth 1:20, “And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.”  What she was saying is call me Bitter.

This is sad.  She was focused on her situation and not on the Saviour or Messiah.  When our focus is wrong then our whole life can get out of line.  Then we find ourselves deeper in a mess than before.  Bitterness is a party that most people want to attend.

We need to look at our trials as opportunities to see God work.  We get so self focused that all we think about is me, my four and no more.  We miss seeing God work miracles.  He wants to do miracles on your behalf; but, bitterness could be holding Him back.

So, how are you doing?

The Ant

A few days ago my wife was starting her water running for her shower.  As she looked in to turn the water on she noticed an army of ants.  I cannot stand ants!  They make me want to scream.  Yet, they are God’s creation.  In my not so humble opinion, Noah should have left mosquitos and ants.I am sure they serve some purpose in His kingdom.  Thankfully they will not be in heaven.  Whew!

As I was pondering our ant problem a Scripture jumped into my mind.  Look at the wisdom of Proverbs 6:6, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:”  This winter has been a record breaking event as far as temperatures and snowfall.  These are not records that I am personally not interested in being broken.  I have no control over it so I must continue down the path of life that God has chosen for me to travel.

Really though, I am to go to the ant, consider her ways and be wise.  Then I thought.  When this cold weather hit the ants and other insects simply burrow deeper to avoid the cold.  So, this brings credence to the old saying, “What does not kill you will make you stronger.”  I don’t know who said it; but, it is good anyway.

So, the next time life throws some trial at you don’t bury your head in the sand like the ostrich.  Remember the ant and burrow deeper into Christ and thus become stronger and more Christ-like.

So, how are you doing?

Thank God For The Forth Man

I was deeply moved at the response of yesterday’s blog post.  I received some of the most comforting e-mails in response to it.  I could not help but cry as I read the words of compassion and care.  For this I am grateful.

The one thing I am the most grateful for is the prayers of God’s people.  I sat with my Pastor sharing just a small bit from my heart as I choked back tears the other evening.  As he prayed for my wife, our son and me I heard his voice break up and the tears begin to fall.  He just like you my readers has no idea how to help us.  To be honest I cannot tell people to do this and that or this and it will be a magic ointment to the situation.  Prayer is as close to ointment as you can get.  We covet your prayers.

I even reached out to find a new doctor that treats patients with autism.  We have a three week wait to get in to see him.  Honestly, I am not getting my hopes up that this will be a help.  We have had our hopes dashed against the rocks of reality too many times to allow that.  Yet, we look forward in faith believing that God is doing a work for our good and His glory.  Whatever the reason may be, I pray that we learn the lessons we are being taught and that this too shall pass.  If it does not our Father will still be faithful and He will stand with us in the trial by fire.

Look at Daniel 3:25, “He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”  Only three men were cast into the furnace and I believe it is because The Son of God was already in the fire waiting for them.  When they were freed from the furnace only three men emerged from the fire.  The Son of God is in the midst of the fire waiting for you and I the next time we are in the fire.  God can even go so far as to use you to be that “forth man”.

So, how are you doing?

Testings and Trials

Life is not always a bed of roses.  Case in point is the blizzard of 2014 that encased Indiana in around twelve inches of snow.  This is not a pleasant experience for some of us who live here.  Me included.  I don’t mind some snow; but, that was way too much for me.  I don’t want to complain.  I did get a big laugh when it was warmer in Gnome, Alaska than Indianapolis, IN.

One one hand this was a real trial for me and it was also a real blessing too.  The blessing was that my wife Tara was able to stay home two extra days.  The trial was that we could not really get out of the house; but, I cleaned off the driveway as close to the big storm hitting as I could.  Then during the storm I had to go outside and clean off the heat pump on the outside of our house to keep the furnace running efficiently.  It was brutal; but, I endured this to keep my family warm.

Look at Genesis 22:1, “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.”  In this verse the word “tempt” means to test.  The thing is that these testings are not for God to see what we are made of.  God allows these tests into our lives to show us what we are made of and to bring glory to Him.  As we experience trials in our lives the world of people around us watches hoping that we make it to show them that there is a difference between us and them.

It is hard to keep in perspective some times; but, we must remember that God allows things to come into our lives to drive us to Him.  When we are tested we need to run to God and give up on all the other things, etc… that we normally seek.  How do you respond to trials and testings?  Run to Jesus.

So, how are you doing?

Thanksgiving 12

The day we live in has become a day that is hostile toward Christians and those who only take the name “Christian”.  We have been told in the Word of God that this day will come.  We need not be surprised that this is coming about.  It does not make it any easier to endure such horrible things.  Yet, Jesus endured the cross for us so we need not be surprised by these events.

The other day I was watching one of my favorite television Pastors.  He preached on Philippians chapter 1.  He said something that caused me to take what he said and expand it a little further.  I don’t remember what Dr. Randall Parker said exactly;  but, here is what God gave me.

“When someone throws stones at you there are two choices.  You can either build a wall of separation or you can build a bridge to victory.”  David Dale (Adapted from Dr. Randall Parker)

Look at Philippians 1:12, “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;”  When you come to this realization in your heart it will revolutionize your attitude and response to trials.  I am not thankful for trials; but, I am thankful for my Father’s faithfulness in trials.

So, how are you doing?