Testings and Trials

Life is not always a bed of roses.  Case in point is the blizzard of 2014 that encased Indiana in around twelve inches of snow.  This is not a pleasant experience for some of us who live here.  Me included.  I don’t mind some snow; but, that was way too much for me.  I don’t want to complain.  I did get a big laugh when it was warmer in Gnome, Alaska than Indianapolis, IN.

One one hand this was a real trial for me and it was also a real blessing too.  The blessing was that my wife Tara was able to stay home two extra days.  The trial was that we could not really get out of the house; but, I cleaned off the driveway as close to the big storm hitting as I could.  Then during the storm I had to go outside and clean off the heat pump on the outside of our house to keep the furnace running efficiently.  It was brutal; but, I endured this to keep my family warm.

Look at Genesis 22:1, “And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.”  In this verse the word “tempt” means to test.  The thing is that these testings are not for God to see what we are made of.  God allows these tests into our lives to show us what we are made of and to bring glory to Him.  As we experience trials in our lives the world of people around us watches hoping that we make it to show them that there is a difference between us and them.

It is hard to keep in perspective some times; but, we must remember that God allows things to come into our lives to drive us to Him.  When we are tested we need to run to God and give up on all the other things, etc… that we normally seek.  How do you respond to trials and testings?  Run to Jesus.

So, how are you doing?