The Love of God 2

John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

God’s love is extending.  the word “love” is the Greek word “agape” and it means affection or benevolence (Strong’s Concordance).

God’s love is extending to anyone and everyone and everyone.  The problem is that some reject God’s love.  There are many reason why people do this.  I think if people really understood the love God has for them they would respond differently.

I like the words of Ephesians 3:19, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.”  God’s love surpasses our finite knowledge.  We cannot fully understand the love of God.  It is impossible.  One day when we receive our glorified bodies then we will understand it all.  Until then we take it by faith because we have God’s Word on it.

One day when we arrive in Heaven we will know perfectly the love of God.  We will finally understand it fully.  Until then we take Him at His Word.  He loves you supremely!

So, how are you doing?